As a PTO, we strive to provide experiences and resources that enrich our students’ education, build community within our school, and support our teachers and administrators through volunteer support and fundraising.
Our PTO is made up of hard-working parents who pool their talents to provide practical support for our school. Those listed below volunteered to provide leadership this year. Get to know their names and feel free to ask them any questions you may have.
President: Kristy Cunningham President@LoweryPTO.com
Treasurer: Aundrietta Duncan-Broussard Treasurer@LoweryPTO.com
VP Communications: Kate Miller Administrator@LoweryPTO.com
Marketing Chair: Christine Zelenka
VP Connections & Outreach: Lily Romero Connections@LoweryPTO.com
Mystery Reader Chair: Quynh Hebert
VP Major Fundraising: Kristan Hall MajorFundraising@LoweryPTO.com
VP Minor Fundraising: Nikki York MinorFundraising@LoweryPTO.com
Apparel Sales: Katie Hansen
Yearbook: Eva Citti Yearbook@LoweryPTO.com
Birthday Marquee: Melissa Henrick
Spirit Nights: VP
VP Events: Ticia Shiery Events@LoweryPTO.com
Cultural Arts Chair: Stephane Herrera CulturalArts@LoweryPTO.com
Hospitality Co-Chair: Carmen Reddy, Graciella Diaz de Leon
Parent/Child Event Co-Chair: Trish Gabriel, Stephane Herrera
Introducing Grade Level Contacts!
Have a question about a Grade Level event? Reach out to your Grade Level Contact!
Kindergarten: Alexandria Rosales
First Grade: Katrina Seigerman
Second Grade: Anna Rodriguez
Third Grade: Anh Tran
Fourth Grade: Stephane Herrera
Fifth Grade: Jennifer Okawa
Interested in open positions? Contact us!